by Joanne | Mar 15, 2017 | Mason Jar Books, My Publishing Journey, The Lady and the Lionheart
Pictured here is a girl signing over the rights for her first ever foreign language translation for an indie book. It’s an absolute dream come true and my biggest thanks to my agent, Sandra Bishop, and publisher Brunnen Ver Lag for taking Charlie and Ella on a...
by Joanne | May 3, 2016 | Mason Jar Books, To Get to You
What a delightful surprise to wake up yesterday morning to an email from the Christy Award coordinator that To Get to You was a finalist in the YA category! The press release went live shortly after and it’s a thrill to see so many author friends on the finalist...
by Joanne | Jul 14, 2015 | Mason Jar Books, To Get to You
The Beginning I met Mindy on Instagram. This sweet young woman has a heart of gold and is not only a fan of Christian fiction, but from her little sunlit studio in Japan, creates beautiful, modern calligraphy. I have had the privilege of teaming up with her for...
by Joanne | Mar 10, 2015 | Mason Jar Books, News and Updates, To Get to You
Yesterday, you may have seen my video update which means that you are probably ready for that cover I promised! The book is To Get to You… and it’s coming this August! To get to the girl he loves, Riley Kane must head off on a road trip with the father he...
by Joanne | Nov 11, 2014 | Mason Jar Books, Novellas, This Quiet Sky
This Quiet Sky releases this Friday! Are you ready?! If you’ve pre-ordered your copy, you likely are. 😀 If you’ve been wanting it on paperback, I’m happy to tell you that it’s ready to order! Just click here. ____ Recently, I sat down with the...