Over the past few months, I’ve been busy behind-the-scenes . . . adding some new videos to my channel! And there are more to come–several which are already in the works! I’m excited to talk more about books in future videos (ideas are brewing!) and also, have been having so much fun working in new content that invites you even further into my daily life as a writer and as a single mom who loves shopping on a budget, or squeezing in adventures. It’s been a growing season of making the best out of life . . . and having some fun along the way.

I hope you’ll join me, and if you do, please leave a comment so I can know you were there. It would truly make my day.

I’d also love to know what kinds of videos you would enjoy seeing from here. What content, information or even style would you enjoy? I’d love to hear! And in the meantime, here are the latest — simply click any of the images. 🙂

I still have many more stories to write and can’t wait to share those with you in the future as well. As part of this author life, getting to share videos has been something I’ve enjoyed from the start. From a comfortable, sit-down conversation, to the music to the filming, each has tapped into a special part of creativity. They’ve been a way to connect with you from afar and to share some of the behind-the-scenes fun, a way to get to know one another better — as you’ll find here, I’ve included some of my favorite hobbies and even little snippets of my adventures. If any of these videos ever sparks a story or insight into your own life or experiences — please share. It would be a joy to hear!

What is a hobby or pastime that you enjoy doing? What do you love about it? 


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