I want to talk heroines today. The leading ladies.The captivating women who lead our hearts through a story.
And I’d like to focus on one heroine in particular.
Her name is Lonnie Sawyer and there are a few things you might notice about her in the first pages of Be Still My Soul. She’s shy and pensive, the brown-eyed wallflower of Rocky Knob, Virginia. But there’s more than meets they eye. Because deep down, Lonnie is a young woman who just wants to be loved.
Yet she’s grown up in the shadow of an alcoholic father. Grown up in a home where peace is hard to come by. She has hopes and dreams of one day being free. And just as that freedom draws near, it’s quickly taken away. Stolen from her grasp.
All because of the choices of two men.
Her faith is about to be tested. Tried. If she can only hold on to the promises that live deep in her heart. Hold on to the truth that her Heavenly Father will see her through to that moment when the sun will hit her shoulders and she’ll know there was a purpose for the journey. A purpose for the life God has given her.
Because maybe…just maybe, He has a lesson for her to learn as well. Perhaps her trials will make her stronger. Braver. And perhaps one day she will find her hands filled with the abundant blessings she has hoped for her entire life. She just might find herself overwhelmed that the God she’s given her heart to, had love in store for her all along.
Weeping may endure for a night,
but joy cometh in the morning.
Psalm 30:5
* * * * * * * * * *
The book comes out this October from WaterBrook/Multnomah. If you would like to pre-order the book, you can do it here from a variety of booksellers. Pre-ordering the book is GREAT for several reasons:
1. You get a good deal because the pre-order price is less than the cover price (Whoo hoo!)
2. Presales encourage booksellers to stock the book on their shelves (Squee!)
3. When October 2nd rolls around, you will be one of the FIRST to have the book appear in your mailbox (hugging the mailbox is encouraged)
Ooo, your description gave me chills! She sounds like a great heroine, and I can’t wait to read her story. 🙂
oooh, chills are good 😀 Can’t wait for you to read it, Lindsay!
Lonnie has already stolen my heart. I have pre-ordered “Be Still My Soul” and can’t wait for that Amazon box to arrive in the mail!
Thanks, Nettie!! That just makes my day! You are such an encouragement…hugs!!
Yay, I already love Lonnie before even reading the book. She sounds like a heroine of depth. Can’t wait to read it!
So happy you dropped in Melissa! I’m so glad–thank you!!
Lonnie sounds like a beautiful, sweet heroine. I’m so excited to “meet” her!
Hi Gabrielle! I’m excited too 😉 I hope it blesses you and I really, really hope the book will reflect Christ’s love.
I can relate to her as far as “shy” goes…I can’t wait to meet her, either!
Me too, Rachelle! I’ve always been incredibly shy. Working on that one 🙂 I think you’re doing a good job yourself 🙂