It’s one of those times of life for me. Great change is on the horizon. I feel it coming. It’s exhilarating. Thrilling…and a little… intimidating.
Why? Because change is different. The old will be no more and the new will come.
I’ve been waiting for this for a very long time. It’s the type of change I’ve prayed about, worked like crazy for, and knew that if it was in God’s plan, it would eventually come to be. Standing on the threshold of that change fills me with an overwhelming urge to laugh, cry, and to celebrate. The road will be hard and the road will be incredible. There is nothing to do now but continue to place my hand in the Lord’s and with the confidence that we’re in this together, take one step at a time. I hope you will be with me to share in this journey. Your comments and support mean so much to me!
Tell me, have you experienced change lately? Looking back now, what advice would you have given to yourself as you were on the threshold of that change?
You've written my feelings exactly! I feel change coming. A great change, but at the same time it's terrifying because of all the unknown. Out of the comfort zone.
I love this: "There is nothing to do now but continue to place my hand in the Lord's and with the confidence that we're in this together, take one step at a time."
And with that, there's nothing to fear! Great post today!
This is such a cliff hanger. I want to know what change is coming. Or at the very least what change do think or hope is coming.
One day my dad sat down with me and asked, "Why do you dole out little pieces of your life for God to handle for you? His shoulders are much broader than yours, and I think you should try and just give it all to Him!" Since that day I have tried to change myself daily,and to try and tackle my days in partnership with my Lord. I find life so much more manageable, and with far better outcomes!
Loved waking up to your comment this morning, Jessica! And thanks for the RT!
LOL, Miq. Cliffhanger? *grin*
What a special memory, Cathie! And such wise words.
Change scares the bajeebers out of me, but wow – can be SO WORTH IT!! I've been thinking a lot today about faith… and have been convicted that a walk of faith is only as adventurous as the amount of faith you pour into it
Hi Joanne, thanks for visiting my blog. Change is definitely in the air at our house. We're looking at a temporary move to Oklahoma. This time last year, we thought it would be Mississippi but God took that off the table. Since He hasn't done the same with OK, we figure it's His plan for us to be there. We're anticipating great things during the next year. Scary and exciting!
I agree, change IS scary! It's the unknown of what will happen. Sometimes it feels like we are kinder gardeners all over again on the first day of school. I'm so glad God's hand is there to hold as we take those first steps forward! And wishing you the best, Jess, as you await this new journey!
Change can be very scary. The best advice I can offer is to pray for wisdom, energy, good spirits, and whatever else needed–things only God can give.
PS – I've left you an award on my blog if you're interested. Blessings.
Oops. I meant to say that the award will post tomorrow. Sorry. :}
Wow! Do you ever know how to reel in a reader, Joanne! I'll be eager to hear about your BIG change. Sounds very exciting!
I feel exactly the same way as I venture forth on this journey to publication this fall.
And like you said, I'm taking it one step at a time and trusting in God's help. That's what's gotten me through in the past and what will help me through this time of change and the next one. Great post!
Thanks ladies. I always love hearing your thoughts!
Mihaela o sa trec si pe acolo (snaI)roepa nu, nu, asta e singura zona ce trebuie sa o stii daca vrei sa ajungi acolo :))Poti zice si la mare dar te poate lasa pe plajaCoco stiu! dar unii cand zic Maroc se gandesc la ceva cu mult inferior Romaniei! Ceva comparabil cu Africa centrala, sau ceva de genul …Eu incerc sa fac lumina :))
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What a wonderful dress, Vix – I quite like the middle room… wonder if the ghost of the young man still hangs around (he probably likes you, Jon and all your friends 🙂 xoxo
Ett nytt skÃ¥p igen? Det förra svarta var väl lägre och bredare…eller…? Det här ser rustikare ut och äldre därmed. Fint som alla deras skÃ¥p!Klart du ska skriva om godsaker! Jisses…Härlig snöig fredag med riktig adventsfeeling här i 'Storstan' med stort S!