I’m curious…what do readers do, act like, think like while their reading. Seriously, its time to dish on your reading quirks. I want to know what’s the strangest thing you’ve ever used as a bookmark. And whether or not you read the ending first. And how many pages do you actually give a book to prove itself? I’m looking to learn more about you. your fancies, your whims. What makes you tick?

And this is not just to see if I’m the only crazy person in the world. Girlscouts honor 😉

To kick things off, I’ll give you my own quirks:

When I’m in a bookstore, I study the publishing logos. Yep, I literally run my finger along the top edge of the shelf and do a roll call. Which publishing houses are here, which have the most on the shelves, which houses publish the books I love.

I read every bit of text in a book. From the copyright data to the cover credits on the back. I like to know who edited it, who it was dedicated to, the authors bio, everything. Maybe it’s a writer thing. Of course I only do this on books I read. And I’ll admit it, I rarely give a book more than 5 pages to get me. I know. I’m a horrible person.

If I get to a really exciting scene, I tend to skip words. I basically just read too fast. It’s kind of like eating too fast but without the indigestion. And once I get through it, I might go back and read it more slowly. I should probably develop better patience 🙂

Ok, I dished. Now your turn. What are your reading quirks?

Photo credit: Beauty and the Beast, 1991