by Joanne | Mar 15, 2017 | Mason Jar Books, My Publishing Journey, The Lady and the Lionheart
Pictured here is a girl signing over the rights for her first ever foreign language translation for an indie book. It’s an absolute dream come true and my biggest thanks to my agent, Sandra Bishop, and publisher Brunnen Ver Lag for taking Charlie and Ella on a...
by Joanne | Oct 23, 2015 | My Publishing Journey
Today, I had the absolute joy of sharing this fun news on Facebook. This is the book of my heart, friends, so much so that this moment has been such a dream in the making. The past week or so, I’ve been in the midst of line edits and soon, will have more...
by Joanne | Oct 2, 2012 | Be Still My Soul, My Publishing Journey, News and Updates
Today is a big day. A huge day. And I find myself a little short on words. Because exactly eight years ago, I married my best friend in the whole wide world. Today we get to be together. Spend time together, just the two of us and tonight, it’s a table...
by Joanne | Sep 18, 2012 | My Publishing Journey, Rag Bag, The Cadence of Grace Series, Waterbrook Multnomah
This last week I’ve been working on the edits for the second book in the Cadence of Grace series, Though My Heart is Torn. I’ve spent my days with fingers to keyboard, heart to story…and there may have been some coffee involved. It’s hit me...
by Joanne | Aug 7, 2012 | My Journal, My Publishing Journey
To most folks, August 1st was just another day on the calendar. But for me, last Monday stood out as a little more significant than Sunday or Tuesday. Why? Because Be Still My Soul, went out into the world through the Blogging for Books program. Yep, it’s out...
by Joanne | Jun 5, 2012 | Covers, My Publishing Journey, The Cadence of Grace Series, Waterbrook Multnomah
Let’s talk book covers. I LOVE book covers. A picture really is worth a thousand words. So I wanted to dig in a little deeper and give you some of my thoughts on the cover for Be Still My Soul. I’ll never forget the first moment I saw the cover. I opened...