We stood in a meadow just before sunset. After months of prep and planning, it was about to happen. My lovely friend and cover model was transformed into a young heroine from 1890, the photographer was driving up in her car, and it was showtime.
I was a blissful kind of happy.
It was a moment, heaven sent. May I tell you the story? Kind of like the circus itself, there’s a little more to it than what meets the eye…

March 8th!
Jotted down on a calendar with a star. The big day.
I was like a little kid, waiting for those wagons to come ambling down the road, giraffes and elephants coming slowly into sight. But then snow flurries began to glisten in the air and the land became foggier and whiter and the word canceled was stamped across everything.
March 8th became April 5th.
Four whole weeks of waiting and hoping and watching the skies. Not easy for an eager little girl.
April 5th was only a few days away and then Rain. Rain. Rain. And April 5th was cancelled and moved.
My cotton candy was getting a little limp and soggy by now. My ticket in hand no longer valid. To dream of an outdoor cover shoot suddenly seemed crazy. No wonder publishers use green screens and Photoshop. Why oh why had I thought this plan was a good idea? I asked myself this over and over as we crossed days out on calendars and stared at weather reports in a state where it rarely perspires.
The model, the photographer, and my hubby (who was the worlds most awesome prop man) were all hanging tight for the newest “big day”. We quadruple checked weather reports and with clear skies ahead, settled in for go-time. That’s when the model texted me that she was under the weather. Heading to the doctor for pink eye.
You know those times in life when you sit there and all you can think of is “okay”? Okay. We’re going to put one small step in front of the other and we’re going to stand up. Then we’re going to walk across the room. Okay. we’re going to open our laptop and take a breath and somewhere in the midst of all the okays it begins to seep into you. That remembrance that we serve a big, big God and that it’s not only going to be okay but that it’s going to be a million times more than just okay. That it’s those four small letters that you hold onto as He steers you onward.
With two days to go until the shoot, I shot a quick note off to my insider team who immediately set to praying for the model, her little one who was also sick, and for me as I settled in again to a new set of plans that was quickly fading from God, can we make this happen? to God, what would you have me do? Nearly 40 women set to praying and I think that might have been the lesson. To simply stop everything and take a knee.
A quick round of antibiotics was in the works while we crossed off the date for photo shoot #3 and set a new one for #4. Fourth time’s a charm? Pretty sure we already missed the boat on charms but we were going for it…
Once our model was on the mend, we realized that rain was on it’s way for the new day chosen. Scribble-cross. Onto #5. Which only left us one final option and that option meant that the sun shining and the model’s college class schedule didn’t coincide. Let’s just say that I will forever be grateful for a girl who played hooky for an evening at the circus. 😉

As you know, this story has a happy ending. But let me back up a tiny bit because this behind-the-cover story isn’t quite complete unless I tell you this…
In the midst of those uncertain days when we were quickly running out of time to shoot this cover, and our meadow was being rained upon and even snowed upon and I was beginning to wonder why everything about this book had to be so darn hard, I called out to a friend with those horrible words that no one ever wants to hear themselves say – I give up.
I sank down to the ground and wondered why this book ever seemed like a good idea or why I thought this would be possible and as rain pounded against the windows, my friend became the strong when I had plum run out of strong. Because I told her that if Satan wanted this story, that he was about to take the trophy.
After two years of fighting for it to be published, two years of publishers saying thanks but no thanks, I was starting to catch the hint.
So while I stared down that thought, this dear friend sat me down and reminded me that this was the darkest hour. That just like with the stories we write, this was the black moment. She reminded me to hold on because…did I see it? The sun, it’s right around the bend.
“As I read what you wrote, maybe this is silly of me, but I got this picture in my head of Charlie’s wall inside of his wagon by his bed. The place where he’s notching the wall to count the days. The way each day gets harder and harder, but he keeps carving those lines because he knows– impossible as it seems, at the end of the day he still gets to carve that notch. And he’s that much closer to freedom, for Holland and for himself. Sometimes when we’re so deep in the mire of difficulty, all we have to hang onto is the promise of the notches. That even when every single thing around us is telling us it’s impossible and hopeless, there is still a single line, carved in a panel of wood, telling us that something is still happening. Telling us to press forward.
Can I be that little line in the wood for you today? To say– (oh, gosh, now I’m teary-eyed)–
This is worth it. Every single day matters, even when everything around you seems to be telling you otherwise. Every day brings Charlie and Ella and Holland closer to being set free into the world… and every day brings this story closer to setting others’ hearts free, too. Press on, my brave friend. Your words are precious and cherished and brave and true, and we need them. We need them because they’re His, and He’s entrusted them to you, and He knows just the moment that camera shutter is going to click and it will be *the one*– the very image to capture hearts and usher them into this book.”
I stood in a field, blissfully happy. Not because there was a pretty girl in a pretty dress for a pretty love story. But because God’s promises never fail. His mercies are new every morning. Because His timing is perfect.
I was so caught up in the delight of this happy evening that I only took three pictures of the shoot. The photo just below? That joyous moment when I clicked the shutter the same instant the photographer did. That moment that it was the one.

Wow. This is so powerful. Such the encouragement I needed today! Thank you dear friend! I’m so glad it worked out–have been praying hard. And what an amazing testimony to what God can do if we take a knee, give it to him, and keep notching those marks on the side of that dreary wagon wall.
<3 Just as your post has touched my heart, I look forward to the ways your novel will change the hearts of its readers. Miss you! 🙂
Kara – it’s always a delight to see you here. I can’t even tell you. You’re like a little burst of sunshine and joy and always the dearest friend even in the seasons when I feel like butter spread over too much bread. SO thankful for you. I hope your writing is going splendidly!
Hi Joann, I loved hearing the story behind the cover-shoot That’s perseverance! It’s a lovely cover, and I’m sure it will be a wonderful story that will touch the hearts of your readers, including me. : )
Hi Carrie! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post! Thanks for stopping by. To think of you reading this one is a real honor! I hope everything is going well with your writing and your upcoming series!
So beautiful to see the true “behind the scenes”. To see God’s perfect strength in our weakness…you share stories that take us on a journey and enrich our lives. Love you, dear heart! God’s amazing grace…His abundant mercies.
Missing you awful lots! You would have loved being here and one day I’m going to bring you up to this meadow. Thanks for being such a champion for this story and for my writing. I’m blessed daily by you!
A gifting. Thank you for the words in your heart. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
Thanks, Kathleen! 🙂
Sniff, sniff. The struggles we have. There must be a very special message in this book to be such a battle! He gets us through, doesn’t He? May the story take off and bless the multitudes!
I so hope there is a very special message! It’s one that’s really dear to my heart and I hope it will reach any hearts that need to hear it. Oh yes, He truly does get us through, doesn’t he? So thankful for that! And thanks for your encouragement!!
Sniffled my way through this whole gorgeous, heart-achingly beautiful post. Thank you for sharing your heart, here and within the pages of this cherished book!! <3
Thank YOU for being such a wonderful friend! This book would never have been possible without you!
I’m really looking forward to this book. Thanks for giving us a peek behind the scenes, not only at the photos but your thoughts and feelings.
Hi Pam! Always a joy to see you here and I’m so thrilled that you’re looking forward to this one.
Such a touching post, Joanne – thank you so much!! Such a beautiful cover – thank you for persevering. I feel sure, as Sandy commented, there is a very special message within the pages of ‘The Lady and the Lionheart’ which will fulfill His plan to bless, inspire, and encourage many through it. It seems He has used your book to do the same for you – through trials come blessings!! Joyfully anticipating the read of ‘The Lady and the Lionheart’!! Hugs!!
Shared post!!
Always blessed by those sweet shares of yours. I’m so glad you like this cover. I dare say it’s my favorite, though now, you can probably tell why! I am so excited for you to meet Charlie and Ella. They feel like good friends, as do you, and I think you will all get along splendidly. 🙂 Thanks for always being such a bright spot around here and on Facebook. I know that I, and so many readers and authors, are blessed by you.
Simply inspiring, dear friend! I — and soon so many others — am so glad you didn’t give up. How sweet Jesus is that He works in things that seem, hmm, simple such as photo shoots and rain and pink eye and schedules to wrap it all together and wrap us up in lessons and love. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you, Rachelle. 🙂 So true. How sweet it is that he works in the things that do seem small. Yet he’s always right there, isn’t he? Saying a prayer today that in all the details that you’re sorting through in the next day or two goes so smoothly and that you feel his hand in all of it and most especially on the big, big day. <3 Wishing you the best!
Joanne, I’ve said it before…I’m sure I’ll say it again–you are such an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing your journey. Love the phrase, “Take a knee.”
Looking forward to reading the story.
Hugs and blessings,
That is so meaningful to hear you say. Thank you. You’re an inspiration to me. It’s been a privilege to watch you ebb and flow with such grace as a writer while also balancing a writers conference. Wishing you the best on your adventures!
This book lives long after “The End”. It was meant to be. ❤️
Jaime – that means the world to me.
Looks like a great book so glad you preserved to the end. Sometimes satan throws roadblocks our way
Carolyn, I’m so glad it looks like one you would enjoy. 🙂 Thanks for visiting!
This was a wonderful testimony!
Wonderful to see you here, Brenda. I’m glad this touched you!
Congratulations on persevering through all the trials, the cover looks beautiful! I can hardly wait for August!
So nice to hear from you again! I’m really glad you’re looking forward to The Lady and the Lionheart! Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂
Joanne, thank you for being real and vulnerable. Regardless of the long journey and difficulties, everything came together. I am so excited to read this. Just got it.
Shelli – thank you for your sweet encouragement. It means a lot! And I’m so happy to hear you go the book. May Ella and Charlie’s tale be a blessing to you! You’ve blessed me!