Have you ever been in a season when you wanted to create something –whether it was sewing, painting, knitting — for the sheer joy of it? Even if no one ever saw it?
This week, come behind the scenes on one of the projects I’m currently writing: a story for my daughter.
No, it’s not the next bestseller (though that would be lovely!) but, it’s something I am loving to create for someone that I love and I share this post as encouragement for moms, writers and creatives to not be afraid to create for “the JOY of it.” It can be a wonderful way to refresh and restore and even use our skills to bless those we love. And who knows? Maybe something bigger can come of it some day!
I believe we all go through seasons when our creative well needs to be filled up, and working on a heart-project that’s comfort-food to our souls can be just the ticket.
If you give it a watch, I’d love it if you share in the comments: What do you enjoy making? What’s something that fills you up and brings you joy?
Loved this post. Always creating and listening to your Lord’s prompting. So true for us all. And, I look forward to reading it someday!
I’m so thankful! You’ve been an immense encouragement through every season.