Have you ever been in a season when you wanted to create something –whether it was sewing, painting, knitting — for the sheer joy of it? Even if no one ever saw it?

This week, come behind the scenes on one of the projects I’m currently writing: a story for my daughter.

No, it’s not the next bestseller (though that would be lovely!) but, it’s something I am loving to create for someone that I love and I share this post as encouragement for moms, writers and creatives to not be afraid to create for “the JOY of it.” It can be a wonderful way to refresh and restore and even use our skills to bless those we love. And who knows? Maybe something bigger can come of it some day!

I believe we all go through seasons when our creative well needs to be filled up, and working on a heart-project that’s comfort-food to our souls can be just the ticket.

If you give it a watch, I’d love it if you share in the comments: What do you enjoy making? What’s something that fills you up and brings you joy?


Encouragement for moms and women