It’s my absolute delight to introduce you to the Hope Chronicles! 

What it is:

5 authors. 5 heroines. 1 journal


 a blog hop the week of November 5th through the 9th!

Lovers of historical romance will have the opportunity to visit each blog, read that heroine’s Hope Chronicles journal entry and leave a comment to be entered to win a special prize bundle specific to that heroine. If you want a sneak peek at the prize bundles, just visit the Hope Chronicles page!

In addition to the blog hop is the official Hope Chronicles Journal. Each heroine will be hand-inscribing her entry in chronological order. This will be one special keepsake!

To enter to win the journal, simply fill out the form at the bottom of the Hope Chronicles page. Want to earn an extra entry? (you know you do!) You can do so by sharing about the Hope Chronicles and then filling out the form each time you do. I know, right!?

Tweet, blog, email this link:

Or post the #hopechronicles button to your blog ———–>

You can do as much as you want and fill out the form as many times as you want!

And I have to confess, I kind of want to win the journal! Sarah Sundin and Regina Jennings and I have all entered (yeah, we’re like that) 😉 so it might come down to a thumb wrestle. We’ll see…