Congratulations to the winner of the Tea for Two giveaway: Sarah Thomas (entry 217). Congratulations, Sarah! And thank you to everyone for participating and making this so fun!
Welcome! Below you will find the form to enter the “Tea for Two giveaway” as well as an inside peek into the “Makings of a Hero”
I’m so glad you’re here!
Sometimes readers ask me if I had always intended to write a series.The answer is: no. Truly, I hadn’t. It wasn’t until I finished Be Still My Soul that the rest of the story came to me. When it comes to what happens in the sequel, Though My Heart is Torn, I was as surprised as you.
Overwhelmed by all that was suddenly at stake, I sat with the idea for a little while, uncertain of how to proceed. And then I began writing. Heartachingly, writing. Gideon had come so far from the scoundrel that he was in the beginning of Be Still My Soul, and knowing what loomed on the horizon for him, I didn’t know if I had the strength to write it. To write him. His heart, his words, his voice, his thoughts, his sins and his hopes. There was nothing about him that lived in fairy tales. There was no white horse. No prince charming. Yet to place him as the hero of this story…
It scared me like crazy.
Gideon. The hardest character I’ve ever written. I’ve sat down and stared at my manuscript and thought: How can a man be caught so fiercely between two worlds?
How can he yearn for his family, yearn for peace, but be pulled back into the world of his sin, not by current choice, but all because of a poor decision he made long ago.
Life happens that way sometimes.
So where is the hero? Where is the white horse? I’ll tell you this…there is no white horse. But there is a hero.
He’s there, but he’s struggling. He’s lost, and lonely and broken. He’s broken because he’s hurt others and he doesn’t know if he will ever get the chance to try and make it better. Oh, but he wants to. He wants to fight for what could be. That through a broken and contrite spirit, he clings to the hope that maybe–somehow–God will fill even him with the strength to see this through to a good end.
Blue Ridge Mountains, 1901
“I suppose…” Lonnie stopped when they were eye level. His green eyes were wide, wondering, and in an instant she remembered the man he had once been. A shiver crept across her shoulders but faded just as quick. Those days were gone. She plucked an apple. Then a second, her thoughts distant. “It just makes me happy. That’s all.”
Slowly, he added another apple to the bucket. A clear pain tugged his brows together. “It was that bad, wasn’t it?”
The regret she saw in his face put a stitch in her ever-mending heart.
Lonnie drew in a deep breath, knowing she could speak nothing but the truth, and her silence was truth enough. As the memories formed themselves anew, Lonnie pictured an unhappy young man standing at the front of the church, her unwanted hand inside his. If he could have wished her away, he would have. Hovering on the brink of a life of despair, she had made her marriage vows to the one man she despised most.
The man who had tried to steal her innocence one starry night.
His mouth was drawn, eyes sad as he watched her remember. Lonnie blinked quickly, shaking the icy memories from her heart. It was long ago. Her pa’s merciless grip on her life, further gone still.
The breeze tousled Gideon’s flannel shirt, pulling it tight across his shoulders. “It’s good to remember, I suppose.” He plucked an apple and held it in his broad hand, studying it. “It’s best not to forget what once was.” He smoothed his thumb over the dusky red skin. “It’s hard to think on it. Believe me, I’d rather not.” His voice was muted, chin to chest. “But”—he glanced up at Lonnie, his hair unruly in the morning dew—“forgetting seems unsafe.”
He gently lowered the apple into the pail and made no move to reach for another. He squinted at her. “If I forget…who I was. What I was.” He shook his head, throat working. “I just don’t want to get comfortable. Do you know what I mean?”
She kissed his forehead, inhaling his scent, and lingered when his eyes closed. “I do. And thank you.” Her fingers grazed his hair. “That means the world to me.”
Gideon’s lopsided grin warmed her. He took the bucket from her and gently tipped it; the apples rolled inside the empty wheelbarrow. He faced her. “You’re too good for me, Lonnie Sawyer.”
“It’s O’Riley now.” She laughed and climbed higher.
He winked at her. Peering up at her through branches, he spread his arms out wide, his familiar form silhouetted against a rising sun. “So I got all of this. A second chance. A wonderful wife. And a son.”
Lonnie put a hand up to shield her eyes.
“And what do you get?” His face was maddeningly serious.
Lonnie tugged another apple free. “You still don’t know, do you?” Before she could change her mind, Lonnie motioned him forward. Her bare feet lowered her down the rungs until she stood level with his tall frame.
His eyes widened, and the freckles sprinkled across his nose made him look more like a boy than a man of twenty-three. Placing one hand and then the other on his shoulders, she marveled at the solid flesh beneath his faded work shirt. “I’ll tell you, but only if you don’t tease me about it.”
“I promise,” he said in a throaty whisper. His Adam’s apple bobbed.
An unavoidable smile warmed her lips, and Lonnie delighted in the effect she had on him. “I got the only man I’ve ever loved. There was no one before you, and there will be no one after you. I could never ask for more. In fact”—she pressed fingertips to her chest, so full was her heart—“I think God was smiling down on me the day I married you.” She paused, remembering the rest of God’s grace.
Gideon smiled, joy flooding his face.
It was enough to fill Lonnie’s heart to overflowing.
With My Hope is Found (book 3) releasing this October, I want to give out a few more copies of the second book in the Cadence of Grace series! With the same group of characters growing and changing throughout, it’s one of those series that is best read in sequence, and I’d love nothing more than to give away a book to one winner and a friend! I’m calling it “Tea for Two” because we all have a girlfriend we love to talk books with and because tea makes everything more fun!
Included in the giveaway are two copies of Though My Heart is Torn, a tin of Scottish breakfast tea and two jumbo dark chocolate pecan turtles. To enter, simply use the form below. There are options for bonus entries, as well!
I would give the other copy to my DIL Jenny.
Good morning, Sandy 🙂 Wonderful!
Ready to win!!! Thank you for the opportunity..
Hi Roy! You are so welcome!
this would be such a great book to win, and I have the perfect person to give it too, my oldest daughter who just graduated 🙂
Oh neat, Michelle! Love that this sounds like something you and your oldest daughter would enjoy together. 🙂
I would give the other copy to a close friend who also loves books!
Hi, Jen! So glad to hear it!
My BFfF, my Mama. She love sit when I give novels and I know this one would be a favorite.
Wonderful, Cindy! Waving to you and your Mama!! =)
Such a thrilling excerpt. A touching scene. I would share the second copy with a reading friend.
Thanks so much, Susan. I’m so glad to hear it! Thrilled you are here 🙂
My mom would like these books, I think 🙂 I’d give her the other book. And I love that excerpt…the story really come to life in my mind 🙂
Just love hearing that you thought of your mom as someone you might enjoy the books! A “good morning” to you both!
Would love to win this.
so glad, Tima! 🙂
Forgot to say who I would give the book to. One of my friends who loved the first book as much as I did.
lol, I do that all the time too 🙂 I’m so happy to know that your friend enjoyed Be Still My Soul. Thanks for that!
Can’t wait to read your new book.
THANKS Chris! That means a ton.
I would love to win! I would give my sister-in-law a copy. So looking forward to book 3 in the series.
Just so happy to hear that you are looking forward to My Hope is Found, Doris. It is almost ready! I’m fine tuning it as we speak before it goes to print. Yay!
i would share the second copy with my mom-in-law, she loves books like these 🙂
Good morning, Debi. Love that you thought of your MIL as someone you would enjoy sharing this with. What a special daughter in law you are =)
I would love to win I would give my other copy to Lisa Myers. Then I would give mine to another friend once I read it.
Diana, so happy to hear it! And a big hello to your friend, Lisa. 🙂
I would give the second half of my Tea for Two to my mother-in-law.
Connie, what a blessed mother-in-law to have you 🙂 I love hearing all these MIL and DIL shares around here. So special!
I’d probably give the extra to my church friend Jen who is my book buddy. Loves books almost as much as I do.
Pam, hooray for a special book buddy! I’m so glad the books would be something you and Jen could enjoy together. Thrilled you are here!
I would love a chance to win this! My friend said she really likes your books, so I want to read them too!
Lisa, *waving* to you! I saw your name above in Diana’s comment! So happy that you two are book buddies 🙂 And so glad you’re looking forward to reading them!
Looking forward to MY HOPE IS FOUND. I would give my other copy to my sister.
Oh, Sarah, that does my heart good to hear it. I am working on the finishing touches this week and it’s almost ready! Praying it blesses you! (and waving to your sister!)
LOVE the idea of giving away TWO books (not to mention two candies!). What a fun idea.
Sarah, I like the way you think 😉 Chocolate makes everything better, right!?
Thanks for the great giveaway! I have been reading about this series, but unable to get a hold of a copy! So, thanks for this opportunity!
Kim, you are so welcome. Happy to get to say hi to you! Delighted to know that you’ve been looking forward to reading the series. Thank you!
I already have a copy of Though My Heart Is Torn (and LOVE it), so I would give each copy to two different friends and we can make a tea for three. 😉
I am very much looking forward to the third book!
Cara — Tea for three sounds lovely! Let’s make it tea for four and I’ll join you, ok?! 😀 So glad to know that you enjoyed Though My Heart is Torn and are looking forward to book #3!
I would absolutely love to win a copy of Though My Heart Is Torn in final form! I have an Advanced Reading Copy. Visualizing, I had some favorite descriptions as I began reading:
Prologue, page 1; …the old man who was too short for his weight.
Chapter 1, page 9; Untouched for nearly a year, the sun-rotted wood seemed to have become a part of the thick bark. Clouds challenged one another in front of the sun, dimming the orchard, cooling the air.
He lifted the ladder over his head and settled it into place, cobwebs catching the light.
Chapter 1, page 13; Jebediah worked silently, the man never needing to fill empty space with words. He’d been that way for as long as Gideon had known him–since the day Jebediah had rescued Lonnie from a life of sorrow; laying down the challenge that Gideon could be more than a man of anger. From that moment on, Jebediah had walked every day with him, through the struggles, through the blessings. All for Lonnie. She’d been worth every moment of it.
I cannot tell you A favorite as I loved them all. So important to the story, each one. Who would I share a second copy and a cup of tea with? The first person to stop by, ha ha. However ~ I would want them to read Be Still My Soul first. Actually, probably would mail it to a friend who did come for lunch from a drive away, who I did give a copy of the first book to, if she doesn’t have book 2 already. All in all, sure looking forward to book 3! Thank you for using your blessed gift ~ they are dear to my heart. Kathleen ~ Lane Hill House
I have enjoyed writing the reviews without giving the story away so the reader can have it fresh off the page! However… on a side note, I certainly wish a tinker would come and have a certain ring among his treasures! Thank you again, Joanne, for these treasures of your heart.
Wow! I missed this part, “…two jumbo dark chocolate pecan turtles.” Oh, happy day!
Shared on my Facebook news page today and twitter ~ https://twitter.com/LaneHillHouse/status/354640201324302338
oh, Kathleen, what a treat it is to hear some of your favorite lines! That is such a blessing to me and I am constantly blessed by your encouragement and support with this series. Gideon and Lonnie say thanks as do I!
A lucky friend to come over and share a spot of tea with you. How fun 🙂 And ooohhh…. what a grand thought you have there at the end. Hmmm… it’s not in the story as wonderfully as you dreamed up, but there *is* a little nod to a ring in there toward the end that I hope you’ll enjoy 🙂
Thanks! Good about the ring ~ I’ll look forward to it ~ I cover pages with my hand so I don’t read ahead to the next page by a glance! 😀
Would love to win this contest and read this with my friend, sitting on the rocking chairs on my front porch, drinking tea!
Juanita, so wonderful to see you here. Tea on the porch with friends sounds heavenly! 🙂
I would read it first then give it to my friend in Oklahoma.
Sally, There is a copy for each of you, plus tea and chocolate!
Sally, so thoughtful of you!
Love summer reads! My daughter is really starting to get into Christian Fiction/ Historcal Fiction…what fun!
Nat,So neat to hear that your daughter is getting into Christian Fiction. I bet she’s found some great reads! So fun!
Would really love to win your book.
Hi Joann,
I’m so glad. Thanks for stopping in! 🙂
I would give it to my Aunt Jean! She doesn’t live nearby, but I am going to visit her in September…
Just smiling at the thought of you and your Aunt Jean having tea for two when you visit. So happy you’re entered. Waving to you both!
I would love to win this awesome giveaway and God Bless!
Sarah Richmond
Greetings sweet Sarah!
I’m so glad you’re entered… thanks! And God bless you too!
I would give the other copy to my best friend, Aimee!
Hi Beth! Sounds like fun!!
I entered even though I don’t know if it’s international..If I win I’ll give my other copy to my twin sister, she loved the first book as much as I did! 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway!
So glad you entered because this one is open internationally 🙂 Oh, so neat to hear about your sister AND that you both loved Be Still My Soul. Hooray! Hugs to you both.
Fun giveaway!! You are always so creative! I would give a copy to my best friend or my sister in law.
Oh, Michelle, thanks! It’s fun to put them together and when you guys are enjoying it, I am too! =]
I would share with my daughter, Rose.
Hi, Lisa! So happy to hear that you would share them with your daughter. And I’m dropping a little something for you in the mail. 🙂
I would give the extra copy to my mother. Would love to win
I’m so glad, Catherine! Such a thoughtful daughter you are and I hope that they would bless the pair of you 🙂
Joanne, I can only imagine the difficulty you had writing the final book. I cannot wait to see how you brought Gideon and Lonnie’s story to a close………..to a close…..very sad words…..let’s say that you brought their story to the REAL beginning, shall we? Makes me feel better. God bless you.
Debbie… you do my heart good “the REAL beginning…” oh, I just love it! Especially these next few days as I wrap everything up with My Hope is Found and as a “writer” bid goodbye to working with these characters. It’s bittersweet, for sure.
I choose to give the other copy to my sister-in-law who loves to read just as much as I do.
Karen, just a joy to meet ladies who love to read 🙂 Waving to you and your sis in law!!
Even though I have these books, i would love to win another “set” so I can share them with friends and family and not worry about them not coming back to me. Am going to ready Be Still My Soul and Though My Heart is Torn so I will be ready for My Hope if Found. Thanks for an amazing read!!!!
That is so wonderful! I love the thought of these books being shared. So special. And I am so, so honored that you’ve enjoyed this series!! I am EXCITED to get you My Hope is Found this fall. Hugs!
I do not know who I would chose. I allow God to lead me there. I read and review and then share every book I read.
Jane, I often think of the friend that would most be ministered to by whichever book I’m reading, too 🙂 I’m so glad you are entered!
Love everything about this giveaway – have the first book & dying to read the second, & who doesn’t love tea & chocolate? Thanks, Joanne – have loved all your giveaways & appreciate your kind generosity!
If I win the giveaway – I will give the second book to my best friend who has lost her job, has numerous incurable physical problems & passes the time by constant reading, & who needs to experience hope & the grace of God!
Why thanks so much, Bonnie! I’m so, so happy that you’ve read Be Still My Soul and are eager to read Though My Heart is Torn! And yes, chocolate! It makes everything more fun 😉 You are so sweet to think of your friend like that. She is blessed indeed to have you.
I enjoyed your first book and would like to continue the journey with Lonnie and Gideon. I would give the second copy to my twin sister, who is also an author and loves a good story. Congratulations Joanne on your journey as an author! Especially as a busy young Mom.
Beth, It’s so wonderful to “see” you here! Thinking of you with your own writing journey and thank you for your sweet words about mine. It’s been an adventure!
I would give it to my sister Bonnie.
Wonderful, Bonnie! 🙂
I would give the other copy to my friend Sandy! 😀 Just found you via Mona Hodgson so you are a new to me author. 🙂 I haven’t read the first book but will have to see what that is and read that first! 😀 Thank you for the chance! 😀
It’s so nice to meet you! That sweet Mona is such a dear to me. I’m glad you are entered for the 2nd book and if you want to learn more about book #1, it’s called Be Still My Soul. If you get the chance to read it, I so hope you enjoy it! 🙂
Read the 1st one in the series and was glad to hear the series continues! I’d love to share one with my sister, who also loves to
read Christian historical fiction. Thank you.
Just delighted to know you’re glad that the series continues. It most certainly does! 🙂 I hope it would be something you and your sister would enjoy. So happy you are entered.
I would give the other copy to my sister! I recommened that she read ‘be still my soul’ because it was one of the best books I’ve ever read, and she loved it! She just finished it and can’t wait to start ‘though my heart is torn’! She would love it!!
Oh, Marissa, it just fills my heart to hear that Be Still My Soul was one of the best books you’ve read. Reaching out to give you a hug! 😉 Thrilled that your sister loved it too. Hugs to you both! Thank you for your sweet words.
I would love to win! And I know my BFF, Patricia would love to read your books also!
Glenda, waving to both you and Patricia and so happy to hear she’d be the other half of your tea for two!
Hi Joanne! My favorite character is Lonnie. Because of this, I didn’t want to like Cassie in book 2. But I couldn’t help myself. You created in her a character that I simply couldn’t keep disliking. That’s a very tricky line to dance around, but you did it beautifully. Can’t wait for book 3!
It’s so neat to hear that your favorite character is Lonnie and YES that would make it tough to like Cassie… so to hear that she grew on you a bit there is really meaningful to me as a writer. Thanks for your encouragement through it all!
You’re welcome, Joanne! I recently had the same thing happen with one of my characters. I started out hating him, but by the end of the story, he had gotten under my skin. Love it when that happens!
Love it when that happens 🙂
I would give it to my dear friend Kelly!
I am a book junkie!
Would so love to win this!
Cheryl, we have that in common! Yay for books and I’m so glad you’ve entered for you and your dear friend, Kelly. 🙂
.I would love to win….I am a big fan of Joanne Bischof’s…and look forward to reading book 2..’ Though My Heart Is Torn’……an I would would gie the second copy to my sister in Az…she is a big fan too of Joanne’s books too
So touched that you’ve enjoyed the first book and are looking forward to #2. Hoping one lands in your hands soon! And just thrilled to hear about your cousin in AZ. Sending love to the both of you.
I would sure like to be the winner thanks
Shirley, I’m so glad you are entered 🙂
This is so wonderful I love these characters, I had tears with just those few words, I want to read now
thanks for sharing
Paula O
Oh, Paula, to hear about your tears just touches my heart. Thanks for your sweet, sweet words!
Had there be no series we would have missed something Joanne so thank you for sharing with us! The young lady featured on your covers is so lovely, it reflects the beauty of the story lines! I cannot imagine anyone better for it!
A wonderful giveaway to be shared with someone special! Thanks!
Blessings to you and yours,
That means so much. I am so blessed by all of you who’ve been journeying this series with me. And I’m so glad you like the covers. The model did such a beautiful job of capturing Lonnie. I’m so thankful to her and the design team for the way they brought the stories to life. I hope you have a great day!
I adore Lonnie. It is nice to see a quiet girl with a gentle spirit in a historical fiction. While I enjoy a feisty heroine as much as the next girl, it is nice to read about someone who is not, and who is more true to what would have been proper during that era. I tend to me on the quiet, shy side, so I can relate with her. It is also a reason I loved Eden from Love’s Reckoning by Laura Frantz (I know you adore her as I do, so I thought I would throw it in).
I hope I win! 🙂
You and I have something very much in common! I adore a meek and quiet heroine, for just the reason you’ve mentioned, it feeling so fitting to the historical setting and they way they were raised. Writing Lonnie shy and meek at times was it’s own challenge with her married to Gideon, so lacing her strengths carefully through there was a unique challenge and one that was really rewarding.
And EDEN! Oh, I just loved Laura’s book and her heroine (and that Silas!) 😉 It is one of my absolute favorites.
Thank-you for the contest!:) I think its a wonderful idea, “Tea for Two”. My mom and I always give each other books and talk about books all the time! 🙂
Oh, Joanna, what fun to think of all the book swaps and chats you and your mom have! So special.
would love to win.
Good morning, Angela! I’m so glad!
If I was blessed enough to win, I’d check around with my book club friends to see if any of them had the first book and would like the second. My local library would be another good option. I would love to win a copy of Though My Heart is Torn since I have the first book.
Thanks for this chance.
Pam, that is such a wonderful and thoughtful idea… checking in with your book club friends and then with your local library. I’m so glad that you have Be Still My Soul. I hope that you enjoy that there will be a copy of Though My Heart is Torn, soon, with your name on it 🙂
I would give the second copy to my friend Lise whom just loves reading series, especially those with great lead characters! Thanks for this opportunity.
Shannon, waving to you and your friend Lisa! It’s so nice to hear that she enjoys reading series. I’m so glad you’re entered for the pair of you. You are so welcome! 🙂
I love the idea of tea for two, mom and I used to sing this song when I was growing up. I would love to read this book. Thank you for the opportunity.
Love hearing your sweet memory of you and your mom singing. What fun!
I know just the friend I’d give this tea for two. She is a great friend and always stands behind me.
Donna, a blessed friend she is to have you as it sounds you are to have her! Good friends are a treasure. 🙂
Would love to win – I would share with my Sister-in-law, I know she would love it
Robyn, A very good morning to both you and your sister in law. So glad you stopped in for a visit!
would love to win and share with a friend who loves to read as much as I do.
Hi Kimberly! Yay for friends who love to read as much as we do!! 😉
I would give the other copy to Linda. She is a friend and secretary at our church.
That’s so thoughtful of you. I’d think it would bless her by your thoughtfulness alone!
I would to share the 2nd copy with a friend who is raising her grand daughters and struggles financially but is a spiritually one of the richest women I am honored to know.
Oh, Marilyn, what a treasure this friend sounds like. Spritually rich cannot be replaced for anything, can it?
I’m a fan of Lonnie and Gideon. I hope you choose my name!
Thank you.
Phyllis, So glad to hear it and they are a fan of you (as am I!) :)! Just so thankful to you and those who are journeying along with this series.
I would give a copy to my friend, Allie. She loves to read too and we share books.
There’s just something about having a girlfriend to talk books with. SO happy that you’re entered for the pair of you!
I’d love to share some tea, a turtle, and your book with my mom.
Wendy, I think your mom would be so blessed by your thoughtfulness. And we can’t forget that turtle… oh, they are SO good!! 🙂
If I won, I would give the other book to my mom! Can’t wait to read it!
Hi Marissa! I am so glad to hear it!!
other copy to girlfriend Barb.. & thank you for the opp!
You are so welcome, Faith! And thank you for your sweet tweet!
Wonderful book series and great giveaway. I have friends who love to read, and have so far just dipped a toe into the waters of inspirational fiction. I would share the spare with those who need to be enlightened.
Virginia, thank you so much. It’s been such a blessing to me that you’ve enjoyed this series so far. I hope and pray your friends would be blessed by them!
I would give the other book to a wonderful friend of mine who has gone through a lot of struggles lately.
Good morning, Susan. It’s just so sweet to hear how everyone is thinking of a particular friend and I think that your is so blessed to have you indeed.
i loved gideon’s raw/real character…looking forward to reading more of his story, joanne 😉
Gideon truly is so raw and real.. which is all the more reason why I’m so happy to know that you loved his character and so happy you are looking forward to more!
My mom and sister and I have always loved sharing our favorite books between the three of us, so I’d share the other copy with them.
April, that sounds fun! My mom and I do that too 🙂 Happy reading to all three of you!
I would love to win and share a copy with my ladies group at church 😀
Heather, that is so thoughtful!
Ms. Bischof,
This is my first visit to your lovely blog, and I decided to sign up for your newsletter, not only as it gave me a few extra entries in your giveaway, but because I have come across your books previously, and have always wanted to read them! 🙂 Would be nice to stay up to date with your next book releases, so that once I am able to dive into your lovely books, I’ll know what is coming up on the horizon!
I’ve love to share “Tea for Two” with my Mum! 🙂 She’s always coming up with these amazing ways to surprise me, and it would be rather grand to share a cuppa, eat some chocolate, and dig into a new author together! Afterall, she hooked me into Heartsong Presents & Annie’s Attic mysteries! 🙂 We could have an afternoon tea break after knitting,…engaged in a fireside chat, and taking a pause to warm up to your characters — could there be a better way to spend a rainy season afternoon!?
Thank you for offering such a lovely giveaway!
It’s so nice to meet you! Thanks for visiting and for signing up for my newsletter. I’m so thankful for the chance to get to know you. It’s great to know that you’ve come across the books before and that we could meet here like this 🙂
What a beautiful picture of you and your mom having tea and knitting AND enjoying books together! Sounds like you two have a special relationship. I hope you are having some beautiful weather where you are at… it sounds like you are across the pond!?
Thrilled to meet you and thanks for being here!
I know that my good friend Rosemarie would enjoy this.
A very good morning to both you and Rosemarie!
Well, made one mistake and had to start over completely. 🙁 Was saying I have tried a lot of times to win this book to go with the first one. Maybe this will be my lucky time. Will have a choice to make between my 3 daughters and 2 best friends. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks again and GOD bless you and your writing.
Maxie mac262(at)me(dot)com
So lovely to see you here. I’m so glad that you were able you were able to read Be Still My Soul and if for any reason you are still wanting a copy of Though My Heart is Torn after all of this, perhaps your library could order it on your behalf. They often can do that, and I hope they’d be able to for you! 🙂 BUT if you win, it sounds like you have a great group of ladies to share with! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Hi, Joanne, I have heard SO many good things about your books, so I am anxious to read them! If I won, I would use the other book as a giveaway to promote you.
Such an honor to see you here. Thanks for visiting me and for your sweet words! I have “A Passion Most Pure” on it’s way right now and I can’t wait for it to arrive so I can start YOUR series! And if ever you want a book for a giveaway, just let me know and I’d love to send you one 🙂
Thanks for the chance to win! This looks like a very interesting series!
Amber, I’m so glad you’re entered. And thank you! If you end up being able to read it, I so hope you enjoy it.
I’m so glad I came across another giveaway for a chance to win one of your books. I haven’t started reading this series yet and I am looking forward to reading it, I’ve seen so many good reviews. If I were to win I would share the second copy with my Mom.
Katie, I am so glad too!! It means a ton that you’re looking forward to reading this series. I really hope that you enjoy Lonnie and Gideon’s story.
I would give the second book to my aunt, after also sending her a copy of the first book. My aunt lives by herself on an old farm in a rural area. (Her husband died last fall). She loves to read and I try to keep her supplied with books. Thanks for your generous offer.
Good evening, Kay 🙂
What a sweet niece you are to think of your aunt…I can only imagine the blessing you are to her. Happy reading to her AND to you and I’m so glad you are entered for the giveaway!
I loved the first book and cannot wait to read this second story. You left us wanting to know more. Lonnie is a beautiful person. My mother would enjoy reading this one.
Hooray, Becky! It never ceases to make me giddy inside when someone enjoys one of the books and to know you loved Be Still My Soul and Lonnie’s character… and that it’s something you think your mom might enjoy is such a blessing to me.
I would give the second book to one of my spiritual moms at church
That’s so meaningful, Merry. I’m glad that you have them and I bet they are blessed right back to have you!! 🙂
I would give the extra copy to my grandma! She loves to read as much as I do.
Anna, what a fun thing to share with your grandma. That is a treasure!
I like Lonnie a lot, but feel so bad for her! I’ve only read the first one so far.
You are so sweet! I feel for her too. Writing certain scenes just made me want to wrap her in a big hug.
darn too late for this one oh well God bless the one who won!!!
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