To most folks, August 1st was just another day on the calendar. But for me, last Monday stood out as a little more significant than Sunday or Tuesday. Why?

Because Be Still My Soul, went out into the world through the Blogging for Books program. Yep, it’s out there. I’ve been more nervous for this than the release itself.

I didn’t expect the jitters. Honestly, when I heard it had released to bloggers, my heart went into overdrive. I used to be one of those people who never shared that I was a writer. My own best friend didn’t even know. She almost slugged me when she found out. Yeah, I was that shy. So I’ll be 100% honest with you. When I realized the book was heading out to bloggers, I thought, “Oh. My. Gosh. People can read it! Are we sure this is a good idea?”

And right now:

My editors thinking, “Uh…that’s sort of the point.”

My agents banging her head against the desk. (Sorry Sandra)

And my critique partners are throwing gummy bears at me.

And they’re right.

I’ve spent years writing this book. Then all the time and work and growth along the journey to publication and its nearly ready. So why the jitters? Honestly…I don’t know. I guess it’s sort of human nature. You put your whole heart into something and send it out into the world. That’s a little scary. Has anyone else ever been there? It’s a comforting thought to have company.

It’s like that first day of school and I’m wondering if I’m going to have anyone to sit with at lunch time. Or that first dance recital and I’m certain I’ve tucked my tutu into my underwear.

But it’s ok to be scared. Because it’s the first step toward being brave I suppose.

Yet that’s not all. Because something amazing happens. Someone who’s been there a few years before, says to come on over and sit down. The dance teacher assures me that there are no costume malfunctions and I see a few familiar faces wave from the crowd.


That’s how it’s felt to get positive feedback from the sweetest group of writer friends. (Ya’ll are awesome!) And that’s how the endorsement process has felt. A handful of amazing authors were on board to read Be Still My Soul and when their endorsements came in, it was the same feeling as that little girl on the first day of school.

I suddenly didn’t feel so alone anymore. I suddenly didn’t feel like a weirdo with my Kermit The Frog lunch pail. I felt that pressing of peace and that reassurance that yeah, this is supposed to be happening and I’m surrounded by some of the most wonderful authors and readers and friends. 

So thank you for all the love and support. Thank you for all the shout outs and hugs. You guys bless me in so many ways! If you haven’t been among the few to get an ARC through the blogging programs, you can pre-order the book, or something that’s really cool, is that you can actually read the first chapter online! 

So how about you? Has there been a time in your life when you’ve experience a big change that made you just a little bit braver?