Some of you know that I recently turned in the first round of edits for the second book in the Cadence of Grace series.
I had been hit with a few bad cases of writer’s block. Bad writer’s block. Which meant that the edits were very slow going and as the deadline approached, I was really running out of time. There was one part of the story that I just could NOT resolve. But the day came to turn in the revised manuscript and as thrilled as I was about how the story was shaping up, I was also a little worried about this missing puzzle piece when I hit send to my editor.
I stewed on it a few days.
And then I stewed some more.
But my brain felt like a rock. A locked vault. I knew the answer was out there. Somewhere. I just had no idea what it was.
It was in that moment, that I sat on my bedroom floor and just prayed. I talked to God about it all and I knew He was listening. But I also knew that it was my turn to listen. I said “God. Just tell me what the answer is. I know You have the perfect resolution. I’m listening.”
Those words I’m listening were still stirring in my heart when the phone rang not twenty minutes later. It was my mom. I can’t remember what she had called to talk to me about but she had been my helper earlier that day as I brainstormed and bounced ideas around, so she knew what was going on. She told me that whatever I did, to go with the resolution that was the most edifying and the most ministering to readers.
My heart stirred in that moment. And I knew the answer. I thanked her for her words and after we were done talking, I went into my room, pulled out my writing notes and stared at all my scribbles and scrambled thoughts. And there it was. There. It. Was. The answer that I had prayed for. God had worked, just as He promises.
Peace washed over me and I felt the comforting reassurance the this story was meant to be told. And that God would be with me every step of the way.
Has there been a time in your life when you simply just stopped…and listened to God?
* * * *
It was a wonderful weekend of celebrating the launch of BE STILL MY SOUL with family and friends…here are a few pictures from that special day. 🙂
I love stories like that! Isn’t He awesome! Congrats on getting your edits completed.
He IS awesome! So very awesome 🙂 And thank you, it’s a great feeling to be done with all 84,000 words :p
So many times I’m amazed at how He unveils the answer at the perfect time. I’ve searched and pondered for years on certain things, but when I finally lay it at His feet, He always removes the scales. You’re writing reflects Him and your love of the reader. 🙂
Yes, Melissa, we search and ponder and it’s often times when we simply stop and lay it down that he removes the scales–you said it so well. And thank you. It touches my heart that you saw that love reflected in Be Still My Soul.
Isn’t it amazing what happens when we just ‘listen’ to God? He’s there all the time, but how many times do we try to do it our way and push His hands away? Like toddlers who want to do it themselves is how we act sometimes. I’m so glad He is patient with us and stands ready to let us figure out how well He will do it when we take our hands off. What God does, He does well. And now, because of your obedience, we readers benefit from that blessing! Praise His Name!!!
It is so amazing, Susan! “We try to do it our way and push His hands away.” Wow, what an image and how true it is at times in our lives when we’re so certain we have it all figured out. He’s so bigger than us and keeping that on the front of my heart is what I hope to do! Thank you for being here and for leaving your sweet comment! I have your reader packet all set and ready to go!
Don’t you just love when God shows up like that?
I do, Sherri, I do! 🙂
I love when God does that! Sometimes I think He holds the answer back so we WILL just stop and listen. I’m so guilty of going, going, going all the time. I need to be more of a Mary than a Martha…
I’m with you, Lindsay. I need to stop and carve out places of quiet, places of listening, more often. To stop and see that He’s been there, waiting in that quiet the whole time, until I pull my head out of my own self-created chaos to sit at His feet and listen.
Amanda, yes, yes! It sounds like we all have that in common a time or two 🙂 Thankful for loved ones who share words of wisdom and help with “SC” emergencies 😉
Oh, wow, Lindsay, yes, great point! I think He does. I think sometimes He has the answer and is just waiting for us to stop crashing into ourselves, turn and look and with a smile, He gently lays it out for us.
Yes, Lindsay got it right–hard when you’re a “get-her-done” kinda gal to stop and wait. Right now, I’m in a forced waiting period before knowing if I should crank out my next Viking book (but I quit waiting and started writing another book anyway!). Just praying that God will guide me into writing JUST the right book that will reach people for Him.
SO GLAD you got that word of advice you needed, Joanne. I often find that God will use the most unlikely of people to hit you with the truth you need to hear! And you’re so right–you just have to LISTEN and recognize that still, small voice that’s talking underneath theirs!
Heather, I know just how you feel sitting in that spot. Before I had my agent, I had finished several Appalachian books and had no idea what to do next. Did anyone even want to read them? I plotted and wrote about 50% of a contemporary romance and then the agent and the contract came and set it aside. It was a fun exercise in writing–sort of like a little vacation of refreshing myself as a writer and playing in a new setting.
“listen and recognize that still, small voice thats talking underneath theirs.” You said this so well. I truly believe that’s what happened when my mom called me only minutes later <3
Thanks for sharing that, Joanne. I think I’m crazy sometimes for even contemplating my second Viking book when the first hasn’t sold! But you’re right–in the meantime, we’re stretching those writing muscles.
Heather, I’m starting a new box, so it doesn’t shrink too much. You are definitely not crazy 🙂 I wrote 3 Appalachian soap operas without any hopes of selling them ;)LOL. Trust your heart and even if it’s just a short story or two, stretching those writing muscles can make all the difference in refreshing us and even giving us that boost to start again with our calling, which I know for you, is Vikings. Praying to see that book on shelves one day!
thank you Lord for your guidance. We learn to wait on the still small voice of God. He waits for us to be ready to hear Him speak and then we are blown away by the peace that follows as we hear and then choose to obey. Blessings on you, Joanne. Keep on keeping on!
His guidance is so sufficient. I truly do believe He waits for us to be ready to hear him. So thankful to you and taking the time to call xoxo
God is amazing…and he communicates w/ us in the most simplest of ways…we only need to listen. An inspirational posting, Joanne.
Thanks for sharing.
He really does communicate in the most simplest of ways, Karen, Doesn’t he? It’s the listening that’s key 🙂
Congratulations on completing your edits. I love how the Lord used your mom to minister to you and that He gave you just what you needed to wrap up your story the way He intended you to do.
It’s such a great feeling to be done with that big edit, Keli! I am so blessed by my mom’s faithfullness to speak the truth in love and to call me that evening when I most needed it. God really does work in amazing ways! And I have so much peace knowing that God made the resolution clear. 🙂
Love the post! It is those times when we just let go that God comes through and shows us what we need to see. It is so hard to remember that, even though it is an easy thing to do!
Oh, Joanne, I love this. It’s so neat with the Internet to be able to “meet” great authors like you but even more so to see how the book is shaping up on the other side of the screen. I love how everything worked out and how your mom helped. Moms are the best. 🙂
Can’t wait to read the book and wonder the whole time what the big resolution was!