Let’s talk country living.

I’ve learned how to bake bread, braid a rug, plant a garden and so on. I mean, all good and useful stuff, but I write historical romance and unless you want to read 300 pages of my hero sorting seeds or darning socks, I needed to expand my research.

Problem is, I’m not a guy. Granted girls can do guy stuff–but I just don’t seem to have that magic touch with things that go boom. Not to mention the fact that I’m a total klutz. I could make Bella Swan look like a ballerina. Seriously, I fall down at least once a month. I’m pretty sure I’ve broken my tailbone at least once. I’m a walking hazard. Give me a firearm and I’d probably put a hole in the city’s water tower or accidentally shoot someones cat. So I leave that sort of stuff up to my hero…er, I mean my husband 🙂 So without further adieu…here’s the Adventures of Country Living: Guy Style!

Hunting. Give my hubby some camo and a bow and arrow, and he could take down enough meat to feed a family for a year. Seriously, I’m speaking from experience. The guy can hit a bulls eye from 80 yards (that’s almost an entire football field). I can cook elk and venison in more ways than I can count and my hubby can BBQ those tender steaks until they are oh-so-good. 

Building things. My honey can build just about anything out of wood (or metal). He’s done all kinds of custom work both inside and outside our home. Here he is giving our chicken coop a few upgrades before winter. Nice, cozy nesting boxes for our feathered ladies. Notice, that I’m always the one behind the camera? I’d be more than happy to swing the hammer. But I’d probably break my nose. Besides, someone’s got to sit back and watch. In fact… 

I consider it my authorly duty to do thorough research for all of my novels. Anything less would just be letting my readers down. So yes, I will pull up a chair, and studiously research manly activities with the utmost integrity and decorum. It’s a tough job…but someone’s gotta do it 😉 Oh, and I almost learned the hard way…If you’re going to sit around and gawk professionally observe, don’t flirt with your honey when he’s swinging the ax. It tends to make them laugh and you don’t want him to lose any toes. *blushing*