by Joanne | Mar 15, 2017 | Mason Jar Books, My Publishing Journey, The Lady and the Lionheart
Pictured here is a girl signing over the rights for her first ever foreign language translation for an indie book. It’s an absolute dream come true and my biggest thanks to my agent, Sandra Bishop, and publisher Brunnen Ver Lag for taking Charlie and Ella on a...
by Joanne | Aug 9, 2016 | My Journal, The Lady and the Lionheart
For one week, The Lady and the Lionheart has been out in the world and you all have positively blown me away. It’s been seven days of sitting here in awe with the fullest heart and the most bolstered spirit. I cannot thank you enough for the gift of your reviews...
by Joanne | Jun 20, 2016 | News and Updates, The Lady and the Lionheart
Oh what a joy! The Lady and the Lionheart has received a 5 Star TOP PICK! review from Romantic Times Magazine. I was so surprised that I could scarcely believe it until a helpful source joyfully assured me that it truly is possible, just extremely rare for five stars...
by Joanne | Jun 8, 2016 | Covers, My Journal, The Lady and the Lionheart
We stood in a meadow just before sunset. After months of prep and planning, it was about to happen. My lovely friend and cover model was transformed into a young heroine from 1890, the photographer was driving up in her car, and it was showtime. I was a blissful kind...
by Joanne | Oct 2, 2012 | Be Still My Soul, My Publishing Journey, News and Updates
Today is a big day. A huge day. And I find myself a little short on words. Because exactly eight years ago, I married my best friend in the whole wide world. Today we get to be together. Spend time together, just the two of us and tonight, it’s a table...